The couple who owns the bar where I work are something of an oddity.
They opened the bar and brewery in 1993, and have worked there ever since. Terry brews the beer and Megan runs things on the front end. I've known them now for almost ten years, though I've only worked as a bartender there for around four. I knew Megan's father, John, who was the bartender there before me. In fact, he was my bartender. But despite drinking, laughing, talking, and working together for nearly a decade, I can't really say that I fully understand this family. Many aspects of their lives are a complete mystery to me.
I don't understand what their marriage looks like, in part because I've only ever seen them together interacting once. That might sound strange, but it's largely because I haven't even met Terry more than 6 times. He brews really late at night, arriving a couple hours after I leave, and brews into the late morning. It helps give the place a chance to air out before we open for business, and it means he doesn't have to pay for parking while he works (the bar in right in the midst of downtown).
So, almost all of my interactions are with Megan, who does all the food prep and business aspect of the bar. She's a confident, fiery little woman, who usually knows exactly what she wants, and is willing to get climb the bookcase to get it. She and I get along most of the time, though it's clear we don't necessarily see eye to eye on everything --- ultimately the real issue is that we just come from very different places. I'm a liberal, and she's a libertarian..
Even when it comes to music, she befuddles me. Sometimes I come in to open the bar, only to find her cleaning the toilets, listening to Journey. Other times, she's blaring Joss Stone on the stereo when I arrive. But there's a lot of her music which I adore --- I respect her interest in more avant-jazz and she's got a bunch of Ella Fitzgerald with which I was previously unfamiliar. Her choices are often very interesting. She introduced me to Johnny Mercer, with whom I am now obsessed. And I kinda like that she's into
Zakir Hussain.
However, I'm always a little surprised when she hands me a burned CD. Last week, she gleefully gave me a couple of albums by Maynard Ferguson.
I'd heard the name before, but I can't say I was ever really acquainted with this Canadian horn player/band leader. I'm pretty sure I've never heard of his 1966 album, Rindin' High, but I certainly
liked the cover. I was game to give it a try and I'm glad I did, or I might have never heard Kundalini Woman.
Kundalini Woman -
Maynard Ferguson 1966 -
Ridin' High Jazz - Big Band
Track Length - 2:51
Right Click to Download ---