Most of you get the Daily Music Fix via email, like this one, but there's a selection of people who read it online, on the Daily Music Fix website which I run though Livejournal. I'd link to it, but LiveJournal has been subject to increase denial of service attacks in the last 72 hours, and I've been unable to update it my page, or get access to it at all. It's all very frustrating.
I'm considering changing things up, and moving the fix to somewhere else --- perhaps another blogging service. I'm certainly open to recommendations, if anyone's got any first hand experience.
Today's song comes from a band I've featured a couple times before called Lightspeed Champion, the brainchild of Dev Hynes, a Texas-born, but British-raised, singer/songwriter. His songs are quirky and odd, but curiously attractive for their unusual construction and melodic components. I became a convert when I heard Dry Lips (fixed back on 7/15/09), and I picked up a copy of his album, Falling Off The Lavender Bridge. It's fully of pleasant pop songs like Tell Me What It's Worth.
Tell Me What It's Worth -
Lightspeed Champion2008 -
Falling Off the Lavender Bridge Indie Pop
Track Length - 2:41
Right Click to Download ---