nathaniel told me today that he heard it on the radio that they broke up. for good. last night i guess is when they announced it. I AM SO SAD. even tho their earlier stuff was WAY better than all this new hullabulloo they've got goin. but they broke up. all good things must come to an end. who said that anyway?
i don't know. who cares. they're probably dead anyway. *shrugs*
talent show auditions were today and we rocked. just like always. hopefully we'll finish 'last four years' by next friday so we can play that at the actual talent show. i say that, because we had to of gotten in. if we didn't, i shall be EXTREMELY pissed i'll beat all up and over Mr. Crow, Mrs. D, and Mr. Davidson... I've never seen that fourth teacher before. and mr. weaver was already gone, so i can't exactly beat up on someone who didn't have a choice, right? right. damnit.
nathaniel was making fun of me on the way to the school today. he was driving in front of me and i was smoking and he sticks his head SOOO far out his driver's window i thought it was gonna get chopped off by a branch while we were going down Oxford rd. anyway, he was making all these, 'oh i'm cool cuz i smoke' gestures. It was insane. well nathaniel's insane, so that makes it ok... i guess... i will not stop smoking.
Jordan and i were supposed to hang out tonight. i called him when i got home from auditions but he must have thought i ditched him cuz he was already out with other people. poor thing. i'm thinkin i'm gonna go visit aaron. cuz i miss him. and i had a dream about him last night that was totally weird:
I was sitting at this wooden table with aaron (my boyfriend) and aaron (one of boyfriend's friends). we were eating this ice cream cake from dairy Queen and on the cake were two dots and a line, making a not-so-extravagent smiley face. so i cut out a triangle from above the eyes and say "Look! He's angry! HAHAHAHAH" and we all just crack up laughing. then (keep in mind this is a DREAM people :D) my mom yells from some other room in this crazy log cabin i'm in with two aarons and she yells, "Crystal! if you don't seal-coat the drive i'm gonna come in there and kick your ass!" the driveway was dirt. no cement, not even a barrier to put cement in, just dirt. i was bastartled (my version of startled and angry combined) so i got up and headed for the squeegie thingie and my mom comes out of that imaginery room and starts throwing me around and yelling at me. and then i wake up. i laughed everytime i thought about it in school. i was very happy today. good day.
therapy went good. talked about why dane used to yell at me so much and why it seemed like the parentals never cared and they always thought i would just magically become 'normal' (whatever that is) without help.
what else............. uh..... i ate way too many tacos at dinner. i think i'm gonna ralph. let me go throw up since my stomach is ready to explode everywhere, then eat a mint, and then i'll go see aaron. now that's a plan.
thank you for putting up with me :D
your patience is muchly appreciated. LOL miss you all. love love love love
READ THIS OMG THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT. READ IT READ IT READ IT READ IT READ. if you're not nathaniel. cuz nate's probably already read it lol AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we're all going to hell
meet ya on main street at 12! between the west and east fire pits. there's a martini bar right on the corner, can't miss it