Mar 02, 2006 09:42
I have a bonsai tree. I nearly killed it last year by paying it to much attention. I managed to revive it by the simple method of leaving it alone.
Unfortunatly I left it alone to long, and outside, and it seems to have suffered a little. I therefore have reclaimed it and keep it in my room. However part of my brain is convinced the tree is a cat. This is the same part of my brain that also believes that uranium fuel rods are merely a species of gorgonzola and would actually be quite tasty if only someone would let me put one on a cracker, I digress.
Anywho believing the tree is a cat I put it outside on my window sill for the day. And was amused to watch it steam in the early morning sun. That was fun.
I was disapointed when I discovered that when I am put on the same window sill I do not steam, no matter how hard I try.
My room is on the second floor and I was stuck up there (windows, suffering from a surfit of the sense of the dramatic always shut behind one when you climb out of them, I questioned the window at great length as to why this was but it refused to divulge what it called "the ineffable secrets of my kind"), in only my pajamas, for quite some time. Eventually of course it occured to me that I had put my tree out on the window sill so I should just climb down that. This I was able to do (thank god it's a broom!) to the ground and freedom.
A little late to work this morning and my bones are a little chilled but still a bracing start to the morning.
Incidently the anime Spriggan, shite.