Moving, Moving, Moving

Jun 15, 2010 16:33

Slowly but surely, my life is coming out of boxes in the new apartment and taking on some semblance of its former meaning and shape. Last weekend I filled up five IKEA "Billy" bookshelves with nonfiction and some gaming books (now down to just one gaming shelf!), but ALL of my fiction (probably about a dozen moving boxes full) remains in boxes awaiting new bookshelves to properly display it.

My girlfriend and I have a houseguest currently occupying the second bedroom/library, so it will be at least another week before I get all that mess sorted out. My home office desk is still in pieces awaiting reconstruction.

Oh! And this weekend is Paizo Con, so nothing will be happening until that's over and done with.

After Paizo Con my schedule is fairly normal. A quick trip up to Victoria with vacationing parents in early July, then off to Indianapolis in August for Gen Con, which will be huge as ever. And it's looking like there may be a September trip to France in the offing for one of their major game conventions, but I don't want to jinx that by talking about it too much before the details are all sorted out.

So, like every year, things get super-stressy from about April through the beginning of September. I've tried to make it different every year, but I've come to accept that this is pretty much the way it will be forever, or at least until I get a different job.

But I like this job, and plan to stick around a while. It'll be 8 years at Paizo on July 1st.


So, anyway, this is all my way of saying I will get back to the blog and more regular posting soon... at least until next April or so! :)


stress, moving

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