WOW Gallery

Mar 23, 2005 01:49

ya so i got bored since WOWs been fuckin gay all damn day and decided to make a WOW gallery of my super sweet SSs
got a few up, took me a while to change the file from that gay ass TARGA they use
ill keep adding more when i get some time

the links also on my aim profile (if anyone cares)

oh ya to get full res, keep clicking on the pic till its full res

heres my favorite pic

ahhahahha Scooty ahahaaa

also after the demon died he said something like "little disgusting creatures, soon you will feel the wrath and pain i have felt" or something like that, then he dissolved and i got this strange mark on my arm, hmmm, probably not a good thing, gonna go see what the wise womans got to say

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