We had plans to go out to the tidepools at the dawn low tide this morning, and I very nearly bailed on the idea to stay in bed. Convinced myself to get up anyway, got dressed, headed to my car, which didn't start. So we took the truck instead, except the truck needed gas, so instead of turning left on the corner, we turned right towards the gas station, and saw this:
Post-tide pools, we stopped in at Whale City in Davenport for breakfast. By this time, the winds had blown out the smoke well over the water, making it look almost like a fog bank. Spent breakfast at the bar watching the news, chatting with folks about the fire.
At home now, I have blue skies out the windows, with smoke only visible through the tall trees to the east. Walk to the corner, though, and you can see half the sky filled with blown out smoke. The wind has seriously kicked up, which won't be doing much good for anyone.