Nov 20, 2007 15:05
Not either of my cats, but a new kitty that appeared outside my place a week or so ago.
My neighbor first found her, in the street, very weak and very hungry. She proved to be very friendly as she began to regain strength. My neighbor and I have been feeding this cat, I set up a box for her outside my door which she has taken to sleeping in, and today I took her in to the vet, splitting the costs with my neighbor.
This cat had one of the worst earmite infestations my vet has seen, and pretty bad fleas, which are now both being treated. A lot of her fur was matted so badly that she got the matted fur shaved off. One of her ears looks like it was bitten by something much larger than her, and it's permanently folded over her head. She tested negative for FeLV & FIV, which was pretty much the only good news I got at the vet today.
She's probably 10-12 years old, this estimate being based on her appearing to be in the later stages of kidney failure and hyperthyroid disease. The thyroid can be treated, the kidneys can't, but for now we're holding off on doing anything besides getting rid of the parasites and getting her fed and hydrated. The vet thinks that she'd be lucky to live a year, but then qualified that with a "but you never know..."
I figure that it'll be near impossible to find a home for a cat who pretty much needs hospice care, so I guess it's time for her to get a name.