Jun 15, 2011 23:46
Dear Livejournal, time to catch up on Game of Thrones to get ready for the finale this sunday. Ravens are flying, swords are clashing, and everyone is frowning. I'm really enjoying it, I must say. Moreso than my forays into the first season of Fringe. I am trying to get into that show but the main cast and the hum drum storytelling has so far not impressed me. I've heard that the metaplot gets better and the second season improves upon the show greatly. We'll see if I have the patience. There is still a good deal of Breaking Bad for me to watch as well. Ah, the wonderful world of television. I've been away for quite some time and it's interesting to be slinking back.
Night night, Livejournal. You're a good friend.
Yours truly, Leeman