Dear Livejournal,
Winter came tonight. As I choose my words I must remember two things. One: I had a decent amount of wine and so thoughts might find themselves oddly filtered through my brain and fingertips and onto these screen. Two: My wife told me as I was dissecting that I can choose to be happy with it and it's a good reminder. First off, let me say the Lannisters get an A+. Hands down, no equivocating. Jaime's little smile and swagger stole my mostly heterosexual heart and Peter "Tyrion" Dinklage did everything I knew he could do and did it in a British accent which I worried about. As for Cersei, she nailed it. I couldn't be happier. Winterfell was gorgeous and the lion...I mean dire wolf's share of the work was handled admirably by the various Starks. Now I will pick nits. I found the Targaryen's a little over-produced. Everything just seemed a little too staged and I kept getting a Xena with toplessness vibe. We'll see if it improves but it struck me as a little much. What really disappointed me, though was the music. I know that for much of the TV we view, the music should play its part well by not drawing attention to itself but at the same time, Lost and Battlestar Galactica have taught me that music can become a quality that takes a work and elevates it marvelously. I found myself completely uninspired by the music in this and again, I hope it improves. All in all, I am pleased. I went into this expecting it to be a Coffee Table book and for the most part it was but it also managed to be more at times and I'm excited about what happens next. A big thank you to the Gecks who responded to my plaintive plea on Facebook for friends with HBO. They hosted about a dozen of us tonight and it was a wonderful affair. We shall see what comes next but my hopes are high.
Ours is the unbent roar that does not sow family in winter while growing blood, Livejournal. You're a good friend.
Yours truly, Leeman