the year we took back what was ours

Nov 08, 2006 23:56

With the news that the Democratic candidate won in Virginia, thus giving Democrats control of the Senate, I must now declare today to be the Best Day To Be A Liberal, Ever. Seriously, the only thing that could have made today better was if Dick Cheney had somehow managed to shoot himself while on his hunting trip.

Also got quite a bit done on the project today, including figuring out how to graph the performance of the ingest code without using RRDTool, which I have come to hate with the fury of a thousand dying suns (the three hours of sleep I got last night were plagued with dreams of trying to wrangle it into tracking the Montana and Virgina returns), and reworking the retrieval code so as to cut an average of ten seconds off the running time. Still not ready for Supercomputing, but getting closer. All may not be lost.

Speaking of work, I must say that I really adore the support system I have going for me. Scott knows enough about C# to be able to help me with the bits I can't figure out myself, and is endlessly patient and encouraging re: my work-related anxiety. Greg indulged me when I was too frazzled to think straight last night, let me sit on his floor and talk of inconsequential things while he brushed my hair for over an hour, until I was calm again. Brian is keeping me company while I house-sit (read: act as deterrent for all the things teenagers want to do when their parents are away) for Beth tonight, and happily accepted coffee-reheating, shoulder-massaging, and speaking-soothingly duties while I was frantically working away. I am so damn lucky.
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