Jan 31, 2008 18:23
i miss home so much. I cannot wait to return to you guys. I've started doing school again out here which is good but life is so busy in the army. I have like 6 more classes till i'm done with my AA. I'm almost there but its so hard when you get off work at 6-7 at night and have to be up at 545 in the morning. Its way better than Iraq where it was likt 430 am to 8pm 6-7 days a week but its still hard. I still dont have internet omg i feel like a caveman.
I also really really miss my family. You know who you are.
Its been 2 months since i've been to the gym. i feel soooo fat right now lol. Tomorrow is the 1st and tomorrow i will begin to hit the gym again. Pay day equals supplements lol. Hopefully this weekend i can get a new computer so i can get the internet.
last night my door lock broke. It runs of key cards for entry but the lock died. Sooo i was locked out of my room all night. I tried to get help from the CQ but they were incompetent. Also no one in my chain of command was awake or really cared. I tried to find others in the barracks who could help me be everyone was either gone, asleep, or on leave. I ended up sleeping in my car. FREEEZING plus i also swore to myself i would never be in that position again. Granted not the same circumstances but it just felt bad.
So the whole lock thing meant i could go to work because i didnt have a uniform and also the whole locksmith took 3 hrs to come after i the civilians that run the grounds returned.
Soooo i'm sooo freaking tired right now lol.
The teacher i have to public speaking is freaking amazing. I havent learned a lot about public speaking but he's really been teaching me to become a better person and to optimize myself to do more in the world. IDK he just says some real stuff i've never heard or thougth about before.
18 months left jigggasss!!!
Charlie company is goign to afghanistan. Guess what i'm not going with them hahaahahahahaahaahah.
I do think i have one more deployemnt left but i am goign to try to avoid it or atleast try to go to a safe place like mosul or something idk. Maybe korea or something.
Love you guys
Muah beautiful, hope you are ok