An interesting thought came up during a discussion on
patrissimo's journal: furries are how humans originally domesticated animals.
Imagine a bunch of hunter-gatherers sitting on a savannah. One of them is a furry who likes buffalo. With bone needles, he sews himself a buffalo fursuit.
One day, the furry (wearing his fursuit) and his huntmates chase down a female buffalo. The are about to kill it for food, when suddenly the furry realizes that love at first sight is real. He flings himself over the heaving torso of his lovely buffalo-bride-to-be, and declares his undying devotion. Their relationship grows, and they spend many enchanted evenings yiffing under the moon. He falls in love with more lady buffalo, and develops a small herd of lovers. They find his hand-sewn buffalo costume to be a bit weird, but stick around due to his charming personality. Over time, they get used to his strange bipedal friends, and lose their instinctual fear of humans.
One evening, during some sexy snuggling, the furry is erotically licking at his bride's nipples, when he gets a mouthful of cream. With a little experimentation, he learns how to milk his herd of lovers. Soon the humans in his tribe become fit and healthy from drinking nutritous milk (although they all suffer from flatuence, as the gene for lactose tolerance hadn't mutated yet).
And that's how furries are responsible for the dairy industry.