Mar 27, 2011 21:46
Quick news update: Bought 4 ducks and now I'm building a duck pond and pen. The coop is done and the run needs the chicken wire but is otherwise done. We lost one more chicken to the dogs today. We have 2 left and I'll go get 3 chicks when they come in to the Big R tomorrow. I'll post photos of the progress tomorrow.
I wrote an entry in 2006 (it's listed in my memories under Color of Confidence) about this impulse buy of these orange heels. I loved them and they became my fashion trademark for a while. I realized the other day how different my life is. All i wanted then was to feel sexy. To wear something sexy, to feel hot. Now all I want is to feel useful. To be needed. When I put my overalls on I feel like I can accomplish anything. The last thing in the world I am is sexy, but I love them just as much as those hot heels. They're useful. The pockets help me hold all the tools I need to accomplish the task and they let me do it comfortably. I don't wear them in public, but I do wear them almost every day at home. They represent that person I want to be, what more could you ask for in an article of clothing?