Nov 29, 2005 17:46
Um well...I've got nothing to do and nothing to say...went to the job centre yesterday and I was given the news that Im off to do Voluntairy soon, which I dont mind because at least I will be doing something during the week! yay!
Yesterday I had the whole house to myself...and I tell you... it was nice!... I spent the whole day watching t.v ..... no one there to bother me or hog the t.v in the mornings! it was NICE! I wish it could happen more often... so that when I talk to the cats I dont sound like I'm talking to myself lol!
Today William has been off ill and I have been taking care of him...or trying to lol..we watched Star Wars togeather...surround sound on full blast! *turns to camera two*...Nice and just basically chilling out, then everyone came back from school/work and everything went back to normal Whatever 'normal' is?!.
For the past... week I think it has been on/off snow (keeping in mind today is it doesnt count as a week) and nothing will set...its either to wet...or to warm for it to stay! which is so annoying, because I love the it falls with this eerie silence its nice!!
anyway Im off to take some DVD's back I better wrap up warm!! its very cold out... even in the room where I am im freezing