Oct 03, 2007 12:52
Using 3h-break to work on that 10-page paper I keep bitching about to a few people, and it's a fun paper to do (Drosophila genetics FTFW :DDDD), though confusing in areas... But I manged to hit 6 pages EASILY, and could definitely go a lot farther than this.
...However, we got an email saying that it's 10-page MAXIMUM.
For the first time I'm actually worried about going OVER a page limit that's not 1 or 2? D: What the Hell! At least I have a sliiiiight buffer wherein tables and figures do not count towards the final pagecount...
Though I guess if I were a teacher I wouldn't want to have to manually read through 200-something 10-page+ papers, as I think I do remember the TAs saying that Dr. Kuh would be reading these as opposed to having all the lab TAs go through them. Poor thing. :X
I mean, I can see small classes like that one Genetics Ethics course having a 10+ pager that the professor himself personally corrected, because that class was comparatively small (about 20 students max, and I swear to God that some of the students actually sitting in the lectures weren't enrolled and just hanging around for lulz, of which there was loads once the actual ethics started coming into play XDDDD). And for the 16-pager way back in the ancient days of BIOL-172L, where there were around 250 students enrolled but the paper correction was divvied up among the TAs and even some of the TIs. Note to self, if I ever DO come back to Hawaii with an Entomology PhD to staff in the PEPS department, do not instruct Writing Intensive classes. >:I
Okay, now I'm just sidetracking myself from working on the paper.