you lot can amuse yourselves in whatever foul, depraved way you see fit

Nov 04, 2009 18:34

I think my neighbors had a kitchen fire.  Everything is under control now, but the police were here and they sent their kids over to friends across the courtyard.  Even though they live below us and over one, and our windows are open in the living room, I could barely hear their smoke alarm.  I couldn't smell smoke, either, until we went outside.  Mostly just smelled like burnt dinner.

5:15, sadly, seems like the ideal time to get up in the morning to get my shit together before going to work.  Yuck.  I find nothing romantic about sunrises, especially when during said sunrise my sunglasses snap in half.  Seriously.  I was half-blind on the way to work this morning.  Apparently temperature fluctuations aren't good for cheap plastic, because when I put the stupid things on this morning they broke before I got them over one ear.  I need to see if Justin will lend me his.  He doesn't need them, and they're metal.

They promoted me from sixth grade math to eight grade math.  Not cool.  I'm doing well so far, but I have to ask questions about the dumbest things.

Tired.  So very sleepy. 

work, real life

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