my god appears as a mortal

Oct 11, 2010 00:27

I don't like Columbus Day, so this is my bank holiday post.  Also, I have to note here--they celebrate Columbus Day in Spain?  Seriously?  One of my classmates lives there, and she mentioned it in today's chat (which she attended at 1:40 am!  Holy crap!  A non-mandatory chat.  I mean, I'm still up then, but I sure as fuck ain't working on school).

This is a transliteration by Daniel G. Brinton of something he titled "Hymn to a Night God," an Aztec prayer to Xipe Totec.  Xipe Totec is perhaps the best example of the how life, death, and growth relate in Aztec religion.  Text is courtesy of the Internet Sacred Text Archive.  Translation is under the cut.

1. Yoalli tlauana, iztleican nimonenequia xiyaqui mitlatia teocuitlaquemitl, xicmoquenti quetlauia.

2. Noteua chalchimamatlaco, apana, y temoya ay quetzallaueuetl, ay quetzalxiuicoatl, nechiya iqui nocauhquetl, ouiya.

3. Maniyauia, nia nia poliuiz, ni yoatzin achalchiuhtla noyollo, ateucuitlatl nocoyaitaz, noyolceuizqui tlacatl achtoquetl tlaquauaya, otlacatqui yautlatoaquetl ouiya.

4. Noteua cc in tlaco xayailiuiz qonoa y yoatzin motepeyocpa mitzualitta moteua, noyolceuizquin tlacatl achtoquetl tlaquauaya, otlacatqui yautlatoaquetl, ouiya.

1. The nightly drinking, why should I oppose it? Go forth and array yourselves in the golden garments, clothe yourselves in the glittering vestments.

2. My god descended upon the water, into the beautiful glistening surface; he was as a lovely water cypress, as a beauteous green serpent; now I have left behind me my suffering.

3. I go forth, I go forth about to destroy, I, Yoatzin; my soul is in the cerulean water; I am seen in the golden water; I shall appear unto mortals; I shall strengthen them for the words of war!

4. My god appears as a mortal; O Yoatzin, thou art seen upon the mountains; I shall appear unto mortals; I shall strengthen them for the words of war.


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