the aedificium

Sep 30, 2010 22:39

"The library was laid out on a plan which has remained obscure to all over the centuries, and which none of the monks is called upon to know.  Only the librarian has received the secret, from the librarian who preceded him, and he communicates it, while still alive, to the assistant librarian, so that death will not take him by surprise and rob the community of that knowledge.  And the secret seals the lips of both men.  Only the librarian has, in addition to that knowledge, the right to move through the labyrinth of the books, he alone knows where to find them and where to replace them, he alone is responsible for their safekeeping... only the librarian knows, from the collocation of the volume, from its degree of inaccessibility, what secrets, what truths or falsehoods, the volume contains.  Only he decides how, when, and whether to give it to the monk who requests it; sometimes he first consults me...and by divine plan, too, there exist also books by wizards, the cabalas of the Jews, the fables of pagan poets, the lies of the infidels.  It was the firm and holy conviction of those who founded the abbey and sustained it over the centuries that even in books of falsehood, to the eyes of the sage reader, a pale reflection of the divine wisdom can shine.  And therefore the library is a vessel of these, too.  But for this very reason, you understand, it cannot be visited by just anyone.  And furthermore...a book is a fragile creature, it suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements, clumsy hands.  If for a hundred and a hundred years everyone had been able freely to handle our codices, the majority of them would no longer exist.  So the librarian protects them not only against mankind but also against nature, and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion, the enemy of truth."

"And so no one, except for two people, enters the top floor of the Aedificium..."

..."No one should.  No one can.  No one, even if he wished, would succeed.  The library defends itself, immeasurable as the truth it houses, deceitful as the falsehood it preserves.  A spiritual labyrinth, it is also a terrestrial labyrinth.  You might enter and you might not emerge."

-Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose


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