All of these anonymous comments and usernames (that were suspiciously created within the same week, have no postings, and no friends) are all the same person. Anyway, that is what I used to believe. Thanks to the invention of instant messaging, I challenged a few of these schizophrenics to send me a picture of them, proving that they are who they say they are - and not just the same person fucking around. Here are the results on the first three. There are no specific names, but I’m sure you can easily find out who they are if you’ve paid attention to the unnecessary drama that comes with my comments.
Okay, so yeah I got bored a little bit. I actually have like three or four more of these I've made up but I’m too lazy to post them all on here at once. I’ll save them for later. I’m sure you can figure out who the next victims would be anyway.
"I used to do drugs. I still do drugs. But I used to, too."
On a much sadder note: