Feb 28, 2005 21:30
Dum diddly. Just thought I'd post to waste some more time (because really, it isn't as if I don't waste enough otherwise! - HAH!) and maybe catch up a bit on other peoples and typpity-type in some stuff that's been going on in my life. Like ... Ecology midterm today - I think it went okay. The only unfortunate thing is that it's not scaled because she's set percentages and what you get, you get. (And 87%+ is an A+, which I suppose, is damned good ... ) But with a class average at 66% and my current score of 92% I'd feel a lot safer about getting that A/A+ if I knew it would be scaled according to the bell curve. Good ol' bell curve, hasn't failed me yet. Which brings me to my next point. English classes aren't graded on bell curves and thusly, I say sucks to your ass-mar ... stupid English marking. Haha - I've gotten too used to scaling. Although, I suppose I shouldn't want English to be scaled because I'm not very good at it myself and then I'd just screw myself over. Bah. Leading in to my next issue: English midterm tomorrow. Define apposition, genre, style, citation, give examples, summarize this excerpt in 150 words or less etc. etc. I'm so excited ... ... *birds chirping* ... - also excited about my genetics assignment which I can't do. Heh. I'm sure I'll figure it out tomorrow night (and as I'm sure all you wonderful people have guessed, it's due on wednesday).
Other than that I've missed another 3 or 4 coop job deadlines. This is very frustrating. Especially when you know the deadline is the 24th but you think the 24th is friday, when actually it's thursday, so when you go to apply for it friday, it's not there any more (and I was studying thursday night for my exam on friday - hence the not applying the night before as I should have) ... and I also think there was an application deadline tonight - not half an hour ago. Meh. I'm giving up. I'll go work at A&W over the summer or something - who knows.
Volunteering in lab today, I had to reorganize all of their ... I don't know what to call them ... gene fragment-y thingies which they inject into the worms ... suffice it to say that there were a LOT of little tinny vials (an inch tall, conical shaped, 1/2cm in diameter) labelled as follows: 1A1,1A2,1A3,...,1A12,1B1,1B2,...,1B12,1C1,1C2,...,1H12,2A1,2A2,2A3,...,2H12...3H12...4H12...5H12 ... ALL THE WAY UP TO 64!!! And granted that a lot of the vials weren't actually there, but these weren't really in very good order and I had to go through them in order to pick out the ones they wanted to keep from the ones they didn't need at the moment ... sheesh. That was exciting. Bah.