Lots has happened sense school finally ended, but I'm not going to mention all.
Most recent news is that I got a tatoo this morning, right before work. It's an ankh with designs around it. It looks really shinny because of the gel I just put on it. And I also bought two geckos that I love, they don't have names yet due to the fact that I just got them not too long ago; one is albino (female) and the other is a regular (male) Leopard Gecko. They are small now, b/c they are just hatchlings, but they will get bigger. (Hints on names would be really helpful!) Anyhoo, pictures are in the cut below.
Daniel's brother is getting married the 25th of this month, and the 26th I leave for Oklahoma for two weeks.
This summer has been hectic, but I'm loving the freedom: No curfew, tatoo(s), new stuff, more days at work (full time), and my summer classes for my preparation for Florida.
Hope you guys are having a good summer too.