Jul 10, 2009 04:52
Bleach chapter 365: FUCK YOU KISUKE. >[ DON'T go talk to him. Even though you've GOTTA fucking remember him.
Shinji = luv. "We're on Ichigo's side."
And Lisa going to her old captain... u_u He's so hopeless. It's like FMA if only Roy was a slouch. :P
This chapter made me tear up somewhat. Grr.
AS FOR TOMOMI; My laptop died on me. Started bluescreening like a BITCH. I need a new hard drive, and at the moment I'm borrowing a friend's external drive. [So technically I'm still using my laptop, but I still feel dirty. Eek.] Still working on getting what I had written of chapter 5 back. It's on the same friend's desktop computer. Idk when I'll be able go to see him again though, with my family on me this way. ~coughs angrily at Nana~