Not entirely good motives.

Nov 28, 2008 09:28

In other news, people seem to think that being frugal means not getting your dog groomed. Let's not be hasty here people. Your dog looking like a fluffy stuffed animal and smelling like eucalyptus might not seem like an necessity but let's give it some more thought.

Dogs need to be groomed. It is good for them. Oh sure, they hate it. They hate it alot. The only dog I ever knew that actually liked, nay, LOVED being groomed was my old Cairn terrier, Rufus.

But the fact is that people today don't brush their animals like they should. That isn't a judgement...not entirely anyway, but people are busy or they forget, or they just don't really know how. There is a trick to it, it isn't like brushing your own hair. Getting your pooch groomed regularly (every six weeks is recommended) you can buy some time for your pet by letting a professional get those huge mats out.

Mats hurt dogs. They do. Don't believe me? Go find a really tangled dog and take a look at the skin under those mats. It will be red and inflamed. The longer these mats go unattended they tighter they become until they actually start to pull on the dog's skin.
Those mats can often get so bad before a groomer is called in that it is impossible to get those out without hurting the poor animal. That's usually when the poor thing gets shaved.

This is principally why dogs don't like getting groomed. Not only are they taken away temporarily from their beloved owners, but they get these mats worked on and it isn't very comfortable, despite the care and skill involved. Dogs don't know it isn't our fault.
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