Title: Redemption
Community: 31 Days
Day 29 - I love the sound of you walking away
Summary: They called her crazy because they didn't understand how she always knew.
Fandom: Original
Erika listened to the sound of the doctor's feet as he walked away. The sound grew more and more distant, moving at the same slow pace as the man's sentences when he came into speak with her. He seemed old for his years.
"We're all a little mad here," he had chuckled once as he checked her vitals and watched her eat her plate of mush. She couldn't help but agree. Sanity was so overrated, even if the people in the real world didn't agree. They couldn't see the fantastical things that she did. They didn't feel the caress of tropical winds in the middle of a cold, damp cell, couldn't hear the voices of angels chiming together in the silence. They had never known what it meant to look into a person's eyes and understand everything about them. Erika knew all about them. She had felt the doctor's pain when his wife divorced him ten years prior to her incarceration, the happiness when his daughter became a lawyer. She knew that he secretly enjoyed playing Pokemon, an addiction left over from the short time that he had with his son before a car accident claimed his life at age nine. She knew all of this, and he never had to tell her. Everyone else called her crazy, but Doctor Vantil believed her. How else would she have known, locked away as she was, that he drived a ferrari not because he liked the speed, but because he liked the danger of knowing that any second he could be with his son, because if depression equalled insanity than he should have been sharing her cell for more than an hour and a half each day? How could she possibly have been aware that his daughter was pregnant with twins, before he told her?
Yes, he believed her. And when she told him that his son was still with him, he wept because he wanted to believe. He secretly called them her words of redemption. Crazy or not, they kept him from the tipping over the edge. He never explained why he took her off her meds or tried to get her discharged, but she knew, and she understood, and silently she thanked him. She didn't need to see the boy to know that he hadn't left his father, it was written all over the old man's face.