(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 16:42

This is one of the scariest things in the world, to me:

Getting out of the shower, absentmindedly scratching an itch on my neck. The foggy mirror is too steamy to see myself, so I go back to my room.

Drying my face with the towel and noticing my eyelid is puffy, and running to my mirror, even though I already know what that means.

I'm completely covered in hives that don't itch yet because they have just formed, and I haven't touched them. My eyes are swelling shut at a tangibly noticeable rate. I can feel them closing.

I don't even dry my body, just start yelling for Dina and putting the first t-shirt I can find on over my soaking wet body. My throat starts feeling stuffy. Dina walks me to the ER, but I pass out on the floor of the emergency room before the triage nurse sees me, because I can neither see nor breathe.

I wake up, my body one entire hive, completely on itchy fire, my eyes swelled nearly shut, one IV already started in my right arm, a nurse trying to find a vein for a second IV in my left arm, a nurse injecting epinephrine into the first IV bag, a doctor yelling at the nurses while in the middle of intubating me, and a fourth person fitting my nostrils with oxygen prongs and then sticking electrodes all over my naked chest. My t-shirt is flung on the chair next to the bed and I am naked to the waist, but I'm so out of it I don't even get shy for another hour or so.

And the thing is - I got nowhere near to shellfish or salicylic acid before that shower. Just ate some rolled oats and a banana. Got undressed. Hopped in the shower. Nearly died. Out of commission for nearly two full days.

How many things is this going to happen with? When are all these random killer allergies going to stop? First I was/am scared to eat at restaurants, then I was scared to take any kind of medication, now I'm freaking scared to shower, for Pete's sake.
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