(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 15:30

1) I am really, really considering going abroad next spring for a semester. To the satellite/sister campuses in Germany or France, or maybe Italy. I would like most to go to France or Italy, but Germany makes more sense. If I don't go next January, it's only because I'm going for a year instead and therefore will go from the autumn of 2008 till spring of 2009.

2) That feels really far away. Much too far away.

3) I'm also planning a trip to Europe for me to take all by myself, maybe in July? I don't want to go with anyone. I want to do it all by myself. I'm going to the bookstore today to pick up a couple guidebooks and start planning. I want to go places I didn't go with David last year, although I might go to London, because Stephanie will be living there for the summer, and I never spent much time in London proper, anyway. I'm going to be scared of going alone but I also think it'll be sort of amazing.

4) I realized, with an actual gasp today, that I am getting pudgy. Whatever other ridiculous health/body things I've had to worry about in my life, my weight was never one of them. For years, actually until about this fall, I subsisted mainly on cheeseburgers and Diet Dr. Pepper. I quit that and actually start working out, and I gain a ton of weight.

5) So from now on, I'm going to take the diet and exercise thing even more seriously. I started the Self Fitness Challenge or whatever, and promptly forgot about it about twelve hours later. I'm going to take it more seriously, and also start going to the gym every morning. Like, for real this time. I don't mind getting older, I don't mind the work required to maintain a healthy body, I am terrified of "letting myself go". I also get this amazing girl-power feeling everytime I go running that even though it doesn't really last through the day, it's a nice rush at the time.

6) I'm also going to start doing all my homework. And going to every class. I'm bad about that, guys. I mean, I get all my work done, and normally very on time, but I am pretty bad about going to class if I'm doubtful about getting anything out of the actual class time.

7) My linguistics class, which is basically just a big research/lab group for the professor (actually, not even that big) is conducting a study into Shakespearean rhyme schemes, allowing for the effects of the Great Vowel Shift of 1450. We have been working on it for two weeks. I have put, and I am not exaggerating in the slightest, probably about 50 hours of work into this research alone. This is not counting any work for any other class or anything else.

8) I realized Thursday that I was forgetting to allow for one little thing in all of my work, and therefore rendered all previous work null and void. Well, not null and void, but I still have to go back through every single sonnet (each line of all 152 of them) all over again.

9) Also, during a meeting with my advisor, I found out that due to taking my chemistry courses out of sequence (like, GenChem2 before GenChem1 and Calculus), which I knew was kind of stupid and would be harder but didn't think there would be lasting damage done to my record, well, I found out yesterday that I have essentially screwed myself over with regards to medical school and/or Ph.D programs in cognitive science (that's what linguistics evolves into in grad school), and also that I may not even get any major credit for it, or even degree credit for the GenChem2 I'm taking now. That's $4,500 wasted (Columbia's expensive, $1000 per credit hour), and also a semester's worth of one-class-time wasted. I have another meeting with my advisor, with the head dean for General Studies, and with the dean in charge of the pre-med program to see if any of this can be worked out. I am simultaneously really mad at myself (for not bothering to check in with Dean K about the chemistry class, even with the lack of prerequisites listed on the bulletin); really mad at the school, because if this isn't able to get resolved, that's really dumb; and halfway-already-convinced it'll work out okay.

10) I am on spring break. It does not yet feel that way.

11) I need a shower.

12) I may get a pet goldfish today. Does the humidity of a room affect goldfish in any way? That's the one thing I can't control about this room, the temperature, really, or the humidity, as the window always has to be open in a vain attempt to control the humidity.

13) More photography, more film photography, more writing, painting my room green, seeing the museums, getting out of Morningside Heights, more tea or brunch with Emily and Emily, Tara, Rachel, Becca... more alone time that I am okay with.

14) I am just a little overwrought, guys, and I am tired of being overwrought.

15) I have another C-Word Doctor Appointment on Tuesday and I am really nervous.
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