Jan 02, 2005 22:29
~ Isnt life well uhh just life i guess~
So i've been *contemplating* i really dont want this year to start off bad, i mean it's a whole new year, i want to have a good new fresh start with this year.. It really sucks though when you can't seem to get your act together to try and start off a whole new fresh year. Well so now it's like 1:30n in the morning and i have been watching so many movies today... I just really want to stop being so unhappy, lately i keep telling my self things will get better, but the truth is they keep getting worse, im really just tired of people not reliezing who or what they really have (including me) i just want to stop getting so depressed about the stupidest shit espically guys ( which i cant stand anymore).... so starting NOW, im gonna try to look at the more postive things in life other then just looking at the negative things in life. Today it finally hit me >>>YoU OnLy LiVe OnCe So LeT ThE GOOD TIMES ROLL! im not really going to worry about what is going to happen in the future, im just gonna take one day at a time and not live in the past. Now im gonna try to come up with some goals to this new fresh start of my life..
^** Thanks to all my friends who have been there for me EVERY time i need you guys, you guys are the best I LOVE YOU ALL^*
: Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game: