Dec 15, 2004 21:51
Well today wasnt the greatest... yeah if you read catie doe's livejournal entry then my entry is kinda going to be like it.... Im so sick of everything right now i just want to go up to my room crawl in my bed and sleep and never leave my bed at least for a WEEK... God i cant take it anymore i dont want to complain or anything but im just sick of it, gee how about with guys i quit on them i cant handle them anymore either the guy i like doesnt like me and likes my friend or my friend likes the guy i hate hearing this " but i dont know if she likes me" ahhhhh ( I Cant Win for loosing) As caite and I totally agree "Girls, run along to your boys. We don't need it." END OF STORY with them, they are HISTORY!!!! right now instead of the rollercoaster going up the hill it is FaLlInG WaY DoWn HiLL, Just my luck...alright well im gonna stop bitching before my head explodes..
*It feels like make believe but your my history!*