iconfest round 2 - tinypic :(

Sep 24, 2010 09:00

Hi everyone! As I'm sure most of you are aware, tinypic are no longer accepting uploads from international locations (!!) which means that a lot of the links (and a good portion of my journal dammit!) are now broken.

For those that are able (and willing) please double check your links and possibly re-upload to sites like imageshack and photobucket (are there others? edit imgboot + imagehost) - I would hate for people to miss out on their icons becaue tinypic now hates us all :(

I'll be back later this afternoon to do a round-up post - there's still about 30 hours of so of the fest left - let's get those prompt filled!

As always, you all rock!

edit: for those that have used tinypic throughout the fest, I would really appreciate it if you were able to re-submit icons to the orginal prompt post, or possibly send me your icons in a .zip file for those unable to do so (lemonpunch33[at]gmail.com) so I can include them in the round-up post. Thanks!

Iconfest round 2 links: [ rules/about ] [ promotions ] [ f.a.q.s ] [ the PROMPT page ]

iconfest: 2010 round 2, iconfest

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