Great trip

Jan 31, 2015 02:52

Got back from a really good mini-vacation with my friends. Went to New Mexico where they were visiting relatives.

The first day, we got to hike an old settlement in the Bandalier National Monument and visit Los Alamos and the Bradbury Science Museum.  The hike was refreshing and there was *snow* even (this Southern gal doesn't see that much). Los Alamos was what Eureka the TV town would be in the real world. As a Sherlock Holmes fan, I found it amusing that they had an SUV with a cute campaign slogan for a lady named "Nan" Holmes, running for Board of Education ("Vote Holmes - it's elementary"). The museum chronicled the mission and continuing contributions of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, focusing on the initial nuclear weapons project on through to the applications and plans for the future. It wasn't the day for it, but I feel like I just scratched the surface and there was so much more to see and absorb there.

Day two, I *skiied*. Seriously. *Me*, Ms. Chickenshit Herself about that for the last 2 decades of my life when I could have otherwise gone and tried it. Now, this is the part where I start to break it down and analyze it as Not That Big a Deal in my mind, and focus on the things I didn't accomplish more than those I did, but while I am being honest with myself, I am kinda proud of this achievement. I have been quite scared to try it for a long time, including but not limited to the fears of injury, failure, and humiliation.

I am proud that I tried it, and I am proud that I stuck with it long enough to get down the little practice slope.

I frankly did a lot more ass-plants and awkward pushups off the mountain to get back on my feet than any real skiing, especially til my last handful of runs, but for my maiden voyage, it was a helluva thing. Props to the "crew"- Phil for some good tips and great choice of place to go (Sipapu Ski Resort)  and transport, M for much-needed and not-oft-lauded general support role, Charles for (bless him) giving me my very first 1 hour lesson, and jackwabbit for having patience with me, and giving me the goal, the chance, and the basic talking ups and talking downs that I needed while I was out there.
We capped the day by a nice dinner back in ABQ.

Alas, day three was cut short by an impending and menacing storm system that looked likely to strand us there had we stayed, but we started the day with a great homecooked breakfast. We went back by way of Roswell and went to the International UFO Museum, which was really quite interesting. It was a good use of $5, and I got to get some smashed penny souveniers (and their gift shop was fun). There was much singing of 80s tunes by myself and Mr. M to while away the many hours in the car afterward, while jackwabbit tried to get a little fitful snoozing done on the fairly featureless drive back.

Today was still a vacation day for me, and I was graciously accommodated in my wishes to stay on here at wabbit's homebase, and further have a stroll in the nice weather. Sonic slushes acquired, food eaten, and media watched, I am fighting going to bed and capping the trip by finally posting something here.

It was a great trip, worth remembering, and I wanted to get some snippets down before I get consumed by real life again tomorrow.

The support crew

new mexico, vacation, jackwabbit

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