The first thing I said to you was that you had cool shoes and then you said so were mine. That was when I colored in my own lame checkers on white K-Swiss with a sharpie and walked on the backs of them. They were actually the lamest shoes I have ever worn. Then we compared our glasses which we didn't wear much the next year but I'm so glad we became better friends because I often thought you were too cool for school and hated that we weren't in the same class that first year I was around. You love your style and you have the best fashion sense ever, and also love that you are very calm and often serious but still have the greatest sense of humor. I wish we hung out more, especially during the schoolyear. When we went out that one night and you had your hot tea and blared radiohead I was like hahaah this girl is way too rad for me to be chillin wit. Too rad or not, you still totally belong in my pants. You put a lot of thought into what you have to say and I always loved the pieces you made at NOCCA. You and I are going to rock Julia Street one of these days, no lie.
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