* intermission *

Jun 14, 2005 07:50

Just dropping in to say: Hi, all!, and: Thank you for adding this journal! I expected it to be me, my husband, and maybe one or two bored people. Instead it seems I've gained at least a dozen bored people. The Britpicking and other feedback has been most helpful so far, and I'm applying what I learn as I go along. (e.g., I mentioned "Baudelaire prints" on Sinter's walls. Woops; Baudelaire didn't do drawings. I meant Beardsley. But while Sinter, I'm sure, would know the names of both Baudelaire and Beardsley, I don't think Daniel would, so they've been changed to "spooky black-and-white art prints.")

Anyway, I reckon I'll post installments every four days, in groups of 2-4 chapters; whatever equals 5000-7000 words (as chapter length varies). Four days is a long enough interval to allow you to catch up, but short enough that you won't forget what was happening. Next installment will thus be posted Thursday.

Lastly, this whole thing is kind of an experiment in reader reaction. The story resembles the Jerry Springer show more and more as it goes along, so I'll be curious to hear if you find it amusing, or off-putting, or like a fascinating train wreck, or what exactly. Apologies ahead of time for any squicks I unleash. ;)
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