Cancellation notice

Feb 18, 2007 16:12

Given that: a) I got busy revising a *different* novel, and b) my revision ideas for Heaven or California were becoming more and more complex, I've decided to pull the plug on posting the rough draft here. There is a lot of work to be done, and I look forward to it and thank all of YOU for inspiring the great ideas! But it will be a time before it is "finished."

I did puzzle over why Relatively Honest seemed so much more the crowd-pleaser, in terms of comments generated, when I could have sworn that Heaven or California was a better novel. But Les Miserables is probably a better novel than Bridget Jones' Diary, and nonetheless I can predict which one would play better on LiveJournal. ;) Daniel Revelstoke, as a narrator, reads a lot more like LJ than the Amoryville crew does--he speaks in first person, and is snarky, self-absorbed, sex-obsessed, and living in more or less the real world. And that is what people are likelier to want out of their LJ posts. I doubt it means anything about which story would sell better as a book, however. I do know that revisions are in order, and I thank you once again for participating! See you on my other journals.
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