May 20, 2010 10:49
Yesterday was a day devoid of productivity... =_=; Although hanging out was fun, I really need to get off my ass and start getting shit done. Thanks to the awesomeness of Brett, the PS3 works on my old-ass TV (hooray!) but now I have to exert even MORE self-control so that I don't spend all day playing SFIV or finishing up my FFVII game. :x I've also been extremely lazy about working out--nothing's stopping me at this point, so wtf, self? You don't want these love handles forever, do you? So here I go, making another list.
- Quantitative Review for GRE (at least 1 hr!)
- Vocab Review (50 words to make up for yesterday, and more if possible)
- clean house (srsly, shit is messy right now)
- work out (kenpo or gym, doesn't matter)
- go through wardrobe and pick out what I don't like to give away
- start looking for research positions (urrghh)
- contact NP for PA shadowing
I also want to get some healthy food at the grocery store... apples and oranges, milk & whatnot. I'll probably save the larger grocery trip for this weekend, so I can take advantage of the military commissary ♥
I never realized how fun it would be to play a fighting game since I'm a chronic button-masher, but SFIV is really fun to play :3 I can't wait until I can beat my brother, puhahaha XD