A fantabulous night to make romance...

Apr 11, 2004 16:45

Don't be surprised if a dear one insists on bringing up the issue you thought was solved. You both need to realize something -- the fact that you can't change the past. You've made mistakes, but you've learned your lesson once and for all, and that mistake won't be made again.

What a horoscope, and how true too.

Anyways, Spring Break has been good so far, I don't think I'll ever go back to school! Total freedom is the best.

Good parts of spring break so far:
-Seeing my Seema!
-Sisterly bonding time.
-Just hanging out on Dom's couch, which we hadn't done in a while.
-Watching Goldmember with him for the millionth time, but it's still funny for some reason.
-Realizing I'll never know how to play Halo, but still having fun trying.
-"Go on brush your shoulders off!..."
-Laying in the grass on stomachs, laughing like crazy..."Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!"
-Getting a totally sweet 2-DISC set of amazing songs.
-Aww, 16 year old Stefan...
-Having 15 quick minutes of together time at Brewster. <3 <3
-Waking up to find out that the Easter Bunny brought my favorite candy and some other little things.

Parts of Spring Break that will be good:
-Partying it up with everyone that's still in the city.
-Actually getting some time to see my girls!
-Enjoying as much time as I can with my Dommy.
-I don't know what else, but I'm going to make it reeeaaallly memorable, ok? Haha, anyone with some crazy ideas, give me a call!

As for today, Easter with some extended family, and relaxing before an excellent week. Love you!
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