Nov 22, 2003 17:11
You would think that dances in college would be slightly better.
Naw. They're worse -_-
If you could even call that a dance.
Shoot, their advertising sucked, but oh well. Heather & I had fun dressing up. Which was the important part ;D The boys took us out to eat on the corner.. not super expensive, but pretty pricey :P They paid, of course, and forced dessert on us, haha. Jon bought me Starbucks coffee, too, cuz I was freezing my ass off in that dress >_< We had to walk a while to get where we needed to go (dang this no car business).
Something about guys in all black <3 Dang, he looked nice, haha =X
We spent the night playing pool & ping pong and other stuff cuz there was NO one dancing. Dude, all we wanted was one slow song, but they couldn't even do that. It's like the frats without the heavy drinking o_O Highly disappointed about the lack of good music.. and people (but dressing up was fun!)
When we got back Scooter was playing ddr, so we crashed his room and ddr'd in our formal wear ^^ It was fuuun. Scooter has pictures of the boys fully decked out in their suits & stuff doing ddr, so I'll post those & other pix.. soon.
We stayed up and watched Finding Nemo till 5 ^^" Oi, sleepiness. I still got up at 12 and stuff to do hw.. although I fell asleep in the middle of reading. I have so much hw >_< AGH!
The semester's gone by so quickly o_O Next week, only 2 days of classes.. after TG break there's one more week of class before finals. Then we're hoooome for a MONTH! Weee..
I need to find classes for next semester >_