So, the other day, I read this really awful poem about feelings where all the most clichéd words rhymed and shiz. Then I found an old poem I'd written when I was about thirteen and - WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? - they were almost identical!
Is there some kind of secret template embedded within all of our genetic material, commanding us to rhyme "light"
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oh, i was going to give you a letter to pick songs from (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i'm going to be clever and give you a number instead. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
any songs beginning with a number - it can be spelt out, but it has to be a number. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
if you don't really have enough good songs for that, then I give you the letter "G"
Hannah says:
Ha. That'll make up about 2 songs from my library
Hannah says:
Awesome. I'll get right on it.
Hannah says:
Any number? Or a number in particular (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ok, i'll copy these words as a comment into livejournal so it doesn't look like you just got lonely waiting for me to give you a letter (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
oh, any number will do.
Hannah says:
Like any dream? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yes, but it's to become an accountant, not a musical actor.
Hannah says:
Hannah says:
You know that 99 luft balloons is going to be in there, right? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Hannah says:
It probably would be regardless, because it a bit of awesome
were you guys even around when she hit the number one spot?
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