I was reading my flist this afternoon and my friend
monkiedude has linked to
ignipes's journal. There is a WONDERFUL post about knowing you're obsessed with Supernatural. I think that all the points are great. Some of them had me laughing and choking on my coffee! hehe
My fave point is this:
~ You suffer a moment of panic and dismay when you realize that going on an all-expenses-paid week-long tropical vacation means that you're going to miss a new episode.
Now, imagine me, obsessed with Hawai'i as I am, freaking out over not missing the episode! What do I do?
1) Set my VCR.
2) Set my brother's VCR.
3) Call my best friend and BEG her to tape it for me (can never get enough copies, what if one doesn't tape right? what if the sat decides to block out because it's raining?)
Boy! All this for Dean. So the next question is, if I do this for Dean, what am I willing to do for Ronon????? *g*