And there was a Television Show (or 4) I Watched...

Jan 12, 2008 01:01

Atlantis was awesome. I am anxious for Monday to get here so I may watch the new episode. This is my love, and my joy.

The 2-hour Dresden Files was cool. I don't really think that it can be called unaired, since at least half of it was a whole episode. I am not complaining, though. I loved this show and was mighty miffed when it was canceled. All the good ones seem to be canceled! *sad*

Torchwood finished for us this week. Stupid CBC. I swear, if I didn't look at the TV Times, I'd never know they were showing the last 2 hours together, and on an off night, too! I must say, the show had been a little disappointing for me these last few episodes, but the finale was something else. I really, truly liked it.

Tonight, well, technically last night since it's now after midnight, I watched Moonlight. I enjoyed it a whole lot! Mick was awesome scaring the crap out of the silly bad men :)  I was sad for Beth losing her love, but I understand why Mick wouldn't do what she asked. It just wouldn't be right.

This weekend will bring me a new series. The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I liked the Terminator movies, so I'm looking forward to checking the show out. I'll reserve judgment until I've seen at least 3 hours of it.

In February the 7 new episodes of Jericho will air. WOOT!!!!!! SQUEEEE!! I am extremely happy about this. I couldn't believe that they decided to drop the show last year. I'm glad the fans liked it enough to cause a major stir.  Of course the ending was pretty brutal, so these new episodes will be different, characters will be missing and missed.

tv, series

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