Dec 21, 2010 09:38


And here's a great discovery: school hasn't blocked LJ!  lmao there goes productivity.
But really, who is productive 3 days before Christmas break?

I'm really looking forward to the break, I'm taking my notebooks I've been writing in, and picking some things to polish / finish and post them.  I'm still a little freaked by people reading them, but that's really the only way to get feedback, ain't it? And I hope to get some other ideas, random thoughts or whatever, to write about.  It's a pain how long it takes me to write, because I'm such a perfectionist about not wanting to have typos, poor grammar, etc.  It is AWESOME fun, though, to take an idea somebody gives me and just run with it right then, just seeing what scene pops into my head and letting the story surprise me with where it goes.  I just wish I could write as quickly as I think.

So, why has this been an awesome birthday, so far?  I'll tell you. I can see that you're thrilled.

Well I was just chillin' last night, nothing really on tv, so I was looking at some youtubishness and waiting for the eclipse to start, and got into a conv with the most interesting twitterererer, we are just the mostest bff's. And she doesn't think she's interesting, that it's just twitter.  But, most other people aren't interesting, even in the twitterverse, they're just vapid, brainless lumps of stupid, either blathering on about useless crap, or flaming people for no particular reason.  SOME people, though, may not say as much, but are much more interesting to read and/or talk to. So this is what I've learned about twitter in the time since I've joined.

So to make a long story short, the subject of my impending birthday came up, maybe an hour before midnight, and she said she would stay up till midnight to celebrate with me, even though I know she was tired and would have rather gone to sleep.  Maybe I'm lame, whatever, but I thought it was sweet and really a nice thing to do for somebody you don't even really know.

I've been mostly bummed about moving to NJ, it's not the friendliest place to make friends, deffo the most cliquish bunch of people I've ever encountered.  But twice in the last week, Twitterpeeps have done something nice to put a smile on my face. I ask again, WHY can't people be nice like that IRL?  Or why can't I meet them IRL?  Am I an IRL asshat? IDTS.  Maybe the only difference is I'm way more likely to say Hi to somebody out of the blue here, but not so much in the real world.  MAYBE I SHOULD LEARN FROM THIS. Hmm, ya think?

Fact: Journaling is great! It's like giving myself therapy.  But now I'm putting this out there that people might read, so...The jury's still out to see if this is a good idea or not.

Guess I better wrap this before class ends...LMAO i'm such a rebel

till next time...
~ Pax ~

happy, birthday, twitterbiffle, myday

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