Desperately Seeking...

Dec 01, 2008 11:03

Slap/Snap Bracelets.

If anyone, anywhere, can find me some, let me know. I'll reimburse you and pay for postage. It's just... in my country there's little of anything, really, and I already have a Wrist Wrappers watch, so it's just the bands I'm after now. I know some stores in the States have them, and frankly, I don't care what the bands have on them (as long as it's not something ridiculously lewd) I just really want them.

Or, yanno, if someone's talented enough to make their own, mind giving me a tutorial?

Thanks in advance to any willing to help. My childhood is rearing it's fluffy, teased, scrunchy-laden head and DEMANDS SUBSERVIENCE. Damn it. -_-

Also looking for dangly plastic star earrings. Lol.

wants, life

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