BETA__Required! [Will pay with fanart]

Dec 27, 2006 03:56

O_O The sex scene I just wrote was three quarters the length of a normal chapter for that certain story |O___O| This is something I will need to work on.

Um, so, methinks that I may need a beta reader. I've noticed a few discrepancies in that restroom section and am wondering if anyone would just like to proof read for me?

They have to be a squick-free kind of person who really doesn't mind reading about gay guys getting off with each other.

Seriously, I'm looking for a beta that would like to proof read all of my stuff. You don't need to edit, just fix some mistakes when you come across them, tell me what you've changed and to what, and what sentence structures you think need altering, and any other suggestions that you may have.

And don't tell me to stop writing. I won't tell you to stop watching pr0n. Unless it's real people pr0n. Don't waste your time with that. Animated is so much better.

_ _ _Eh, end of spiel._ _ _


Ack! Curling reference.


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