[Sherlock BBC] {BIG BANG} Art Masterpost: A Summer That Lived For Us

Feb 08, 2013 09:28

This is a placeholder for now while I hurriedly source a camera to take photos of the art.
Alas, macbook chargers are now the bane of my existence. -_-

Title: A Summer That Lived For Us
Author: fritz_winky
Verse: Sherlock BBC
Rating: R (non-explicit)
Link to fic master post: AT FRITZ_WINKY
Link to community: holmes_big_bang

Art Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock/John
Warnings: Boys kissing. Oh, dear.

art: masterpost, pairing: holmes/watson, event: big bangarang bonanza!, television: sherlock bbc, art: pencil

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