You know when something just slaps you in the face?

Sep 22, 2012 21:08

Went to a birthday hangi today for my second cousin Bruce's 50th and my great aunty Helen's 74th. While I was sitting next to my mum and eating some truly marvelous ambrosia salad, she turned to me to tell me about her visit to the cemetery this week. She was up putting some flowers on my granddad's (her dad's) grave, and thinking about life, death and family, when she realised that in a month's time it's going to be the anniversary of her first marriage, which was to my father. Then, she said, two days after that my father would have celebrated his 60th birthday.

I don't know what happened, then, but I was suddenly crying over my green jelly, just utterly overwhelmed by sorrow. It's been years since he died. And, help me, hours later I'm still feeling it. I just want to sit down and cry.

emoting: angstageddon apocalypse, life, death

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