(no subject)

Nov 10, 2011 17:07

There is something in my house.

It's not a bad thing. It's just cheeky. Keeps moving things around. Hiding things when I need to use them. Leaving children's toys I've never seen before in odd places. I cleaned the Pavlova from kitchen to bathroom last weekend and everything was put in its place. Now I'm finding things that I remember putting away, or don't remember taking out in really strange places.

I can't find my gospel principles book which I need for a lesson this weekend. It should be in the bookcase. I haven't had cause to read it since I moved in, and I remember putting it there on top of David Eddings. Well, David Eddings is there, but my book isn't.

YOU ARE KIDDING ME. My cat is playing with the weird toy I just put away in a bowl on my dresser that prompted me writing about this!

I give up. I have a couple of ghosties and that's that. Oh, and a cat. 2 ghosties and a cat. The Pav is never going to be tidy.

pets, epic flail of doom, going to hell in a trolley, emoting: moan moan moan

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