The Top However Many Things in Fic That Annoys Me.

Jul 04, 2011 14:50

Hypocrite Warning: I may, in fact, write some of these things myself.

1. The lubeless miracle fuck.

2. Waist/Waste. If you get this one wrong, things can turn out a little awkward.

3. The unintentional and unwarned for OOC. I immediately stop reading and I might have wasted some of my time when I could have been reading something better. If you warn for OOC and it's intentionally done, then it doesn't bother me.

4. The clear absense of research. Maybe it's just because I research the hell out of things when I write. I don't want to make a screw-up, you know? So if I'm writing about an American-based thing, then I will bug the hell out of my American friends for anything they can give me. Bus time tables, common opinions on this or that, etc. If it's set in the UK, then my british friends get pounded by questions.

5. Commas in silly places. It really destroys the flow of the work and I end up hiccupping all the way through. It makes the story really hard to get into. (I'm quite often guilty of this one myself)

6. Really tiny font. I can't stand it. Stop it, please.

7. Character bashing. Surely someone creative enough to start writing is inventive enough to come up with a way to work the hated character out of the show without making them an abusive whore, or having them die in a horrific car crash which doesn't seem to bother anyone. Seriously, if they're inclined to character bashing, then the people who they're going to want reading their fic are going to stay very far away from it.

8. MPreg. Unless the character is an alien, a mutant, affected by magic, some mystical being/God thing, or you're Stephen King, it's just not going to work by itself. SCIENCE IS OUR FRIEND. If they're going to insist on MPreg, make it believable. Make shit up to make it sound scientifically viable.

9. Rape. Oh, God. Though I do love a little bit of non-con and the possible threat of non-con, the abundance of "so-and-so was raped repeatedly in their life in many different instances" is incredibly annoying. Especially when fics that contain that much non-con tend to go hand-in-hand with the Magical Healing Cock. In fics like that, belief has gone so far beyond being suspended that it's in the outer solar system.

10. Apostrophes in silly places. (Like in comma's, where they shouldn't be. Ninja apostrophes are NOT our friends.)

emoting: confessions of a strange woman, emoting: moan moan moan

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