Re: Merlin

Mar 31, 2011 22:48

Oh, God! The unrequited love is making my gums shrink! Let alone the UST that goes along with it!

Question: Why are they even bothering to try and sell the Arthur x Guinevere (are they using the Welsh spelling? I keep forgetting to check) I know it's canon and what-not but it just isn't working so far as I've seen. It's like they've gone "Wait, need to do some relationship building here. Let's write in a free-floating intense situation and have them kiss!" Normally I love kissing scenes, but that one made me screw up my face into a parody of Eric Cartman's angry!faise. It was sweet, but very random.

Now, Gwen and Lancelot on the other hand... RAWR! XD

Edit #1: Is it just me, or does Gawain look like he wants to ravish Merlin 90% of the time? I know slash-goggles aren't exactly necessary for viewing this show, but I'm not making those looks up, am I?

Edit #2: Pissed that Gawain isn't a ginga.

Edit #3: Scratch the earlier comment re: Arthur and Guinevere; season 3 Arthur/Gwen feels much more comfortable. Season 2 was just a bit jarring I think, compared to 1 and 3.

Edit #4: Hoooooly crap. Totally not making up the Gawain/Merlin.

Edit #5: I'm waiting for Bors to show up so I can jeer at him.

Edit #6: I've decided that orgies are the best way to go. Also that everyone must shag Merlin's brains out on a regular basis, because it needs to happen. It better be happening in fic, guys, or I'm going to be very disappointed.

Edit #7: Lovin' the huge Percival! Next to Gawain and his brothers, Percival is my second favourite in the literature.

Edit #8: Still pissed that Gawain isn't a ginga. The length of his glorious locks, however, are well on their way to making up for it.

television: merlin

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