MOVEMBER! Picspam 1-5/30

Nov 06, 2010 15:25


I'm a bit late, sorry.

This week is the Sherlock Holmes special. Say hello to the Dr. Watson's and their BAMF-taches.
(Not listed in order of favourites)

#1 - Martin Freeman (Sherlock, BBC, 2010)

He doesn't actually have a moustache as Dr. Watson yet, but thank God for Tumblr. ^_^ Also, I am completely incapable of expressing how much I appreciate his portrayal of John. How he manages to play as utterly enamoured with Sherlock, while simultaneously being incredibly grumpy at him. <3

#2 - Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes, Guy Ritchie, 2009)

Gifs stolen from emmyangua. This Watson has some delicious cheekbones. *swoons* And this Watson I actually can believe has bedded most everyone of suitable age in three continents.

#3 - David Burke (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Granada/ITV, 1984-1985)

I had to use the married picture. And I love his Watson so much, not only because Burke's Watson was so physically responsive to Brett's Holmes, but because he shouts at Holmes. He gets shouty, and very loud about the drug use. And he loves him, and it shows. The body language between them is fantastic. Also, for all those who participated in the GMN's, there's all that leeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaning too. And the eye!sex. Can't forget that.

#4 Edward Hardwicke (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes, Granada/ITV, 1985-1993)

They totally get a married pic, too. It would be dreadfully unfair to not include Hardwicke's mo' in with Burke's, as he was an equally brilliant Watson. Not as responsive to Brett, but he went BAMF on so many occassions as to be completely awesome. Granted, after FINA, when Holmes returned in EMPT it must have been like Watson had been replaced with his father. However, that's what happens when you pretend to be dead for three years, Holmes. YOUR WATSON'S DESPAIR! *shakes fist*

I'm not looking forward to that part in the new Sherlock. God, Martin's little face... ;_; Which brings me on to...

#5 Vitaly Solomin (Sherlock Holmes, Russia, 1979)

The knitwear, the tweed, the gratuitous bum-shots, the ugly ties, and the VERY LONELY MEALS. ;_; Oh, oh, oh, and THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES. *ahem* Best interpretation EVER. (Did I ever mention that I'm totally going to marry Henry's coat?) And, wow, does Solomin cry so prettily as Watson.

event: movember

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