I Have a Plan!

Jul 28, 2009 14:53

A plan for my life! At last! At last!

Well, okay, not a plan for my life, per say, but a plan for my living future, and not my career future or anything like that, 'cause that still hasn't come to me. I still have absolutely no idea what I want to be 'when I grow up'. I'm 26 and have no plan, too bad.

Anyway, as I was saying whilst gesticulating wildly, I have a plan!

I hope to save and buy a plot of land. Somewhere nice and quiet. Doesn't need to be a huge space, but a nice double-section would be good. Maybe out Waitara or Urenui way in the Taranaki.

Then, I'm gonna have one of these put on there. Have it extended another meter out the bedroom end for some room-space, because large bedrooms are love, and then I'll be all set. Composting toilet, wetback woodburner, wind generator. Definitely need gas. And guess what? That lovely little cottage, as it is now without any extension, is $111,400.00 NZD. One of the one bedrooms is $68,000.00 NZD!

Cheap house! Cheap house! Sure, it's small, but rooms can be added on if and as needed. And yes, the plumber will cost extra, and who knows how much the section would cost me. But, by the time I save and buy the land, if these guys are still around, I'm totally using them. I love cottages; they're small and manageable. And affordable. Can't forget affordable.

So, saving time.

Who am I kidding? Lotto time!

wants, life

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